Everything You Need to Know About Reptile Pets

Don’t Be Afraid! Add a Cute Reptile Pet to Your Family

Your family may have never had a pet reptile growing up or maybe it’s been a while since you’ve owned a reptile. That’s ok! Your friends at Mighty Pet are here to bring you everything you need to know about having a reptile pet.

If you’re near Menominee, MI, and you’re looking to add a new scaly friend to the family, stop into Mighty Pet for everything you need to get started, including your new pet!


Types of Reptiles

There are a few different reptiles that all have different habitat and care requirements. While most are easy to handle, some of these cold-blooded friends could outlive you! Getting to know the types of these cute reptiles will help you know exactly which one will be best for your family!


Turtles & Tortoises

Turtles and tortoises are different in that tortoises are land animals and vegetarians while turtles require water in their habitat and enjoy the occasional cricket. When you choose these pets, they are quite the commitment as they can live longer than you! Mighty Pet doesn’t typically carry these scaly friends, but you can always chat with us if this is the pet for you!


There are thousands of snake species that exist in the world. The best snake species for pets are docile snake species. Different snake species grow to different sizes, eat different types of feed, and require different habitats. At Mighty Pet, we tend to carry smaller, docile snake species like corn snakes and sand boas.


There are both desert and tropical lizard species, but the very first thing you want to research when thinking about getting a lizard is what habitat size they need. Make sure that you can accommodate the habitat they need within your home. We like to make sure the proper environment for your lizards is set up ahead of time because humidity, heat, and proper lighting are essential to the care of your pet lizard. We carry lizards like leopard geckos, crested geckos, bearded dragons, and Anoles.

Best Reptile Pets for Kids

If you’re choosing a reptile pet for your kid or you’ll be taking care of a reptile for the first time, you’ll want to choose a pet that’s easier to care for. These are our two favorite species of reptiles for kids and beginners!


Bearded Dragon

These lovely lizard friends come from Australia originally, where they lived on the ground and in the trees! While your bearded dragon friend may require a larger habitat long term (they get up to 24 inches long!), they will be easy to care for and are unlikely to bite!

Your bearded dragon will eat insects and leafy vegetables, and they will need a minimum 36 ft. reptile tank. Lastly, you always want to make sure that your bearded dragon has proper reptile heat, remember they are desert creatures! 75 degrees is optimal for the tank but they also require a dessert basking spot and UVB lighting.

Leopard Gecko

These cute reptiles originate in the middle east! The main diet of a leopard gecko is crickets and waxworms. They love their insects! You’ll need a 10-gallon tank minimum for your new gecko friend as well as a light that produces enough heat to create a 75-degree environment and proper humidity since this friend is tropical!

These lizards stay relatively small, maxing out at about 10 inches. and can live to be 8-20 years old! Your new friend is very docile, but be careful, handling your gecko for too long can stress them out!

A New Home for Your Pet Reptile

When you bring your new reptile home, you’ll want your pet to feel comfortable. This means you’ll need to create the proper habitat for your scaly friend, and that includes the proper terrarium, heat, and lighting! Heating and lighting can be a bit tricky! It will vary by animal, home temperatures, where the tank is located in the home and tank size/depth! We’re here to help get the set up right from the beginning to assure your pet has an environment they can thrive in!


The Best Terrarium for Your Reptile Pet

You’ll want to get a glass terrarium that’s size is based on what your pet will grow to be. You may want to change your tank size over time, so your pet has just what they need. But, you’ll definitely want to know how large your reptile pet will get, so you know that you can prepare the proper habitat for them over time.


What Heat Lamps You’ll Need for Your Reptile Pet

The types of heat lamps your reptile will need to maintain their body temperature depends on the size of your terrarium, the surrounding environment of the habitat, and the type of reptile pet you get.

For example, during summer you may not need a night light, but in winter you may. Also, someone who keeps their house cooler may need a higher wattage heat bulb than someone who keeps their home at 70 degrees.

There are two types of heat lamps, basking, and diffuse bulbs. Basking bulbs deliver concentrated heat for your pet reptile to bask in the heated light. Diffuse bulbs deliver less concentrated heat to warm up other areas of your pet’s habitat.

Making sure you have the correct light and that it is the proper distance from where your pet will lay is vital as well as having a thermometer to check that they have the proper heat they need. You’ll want to research how much light per day and what kind of light your desired reptile pet will need.


Facts About Reptiles

Most reptiles can’t chew their food! They may use their teeth to tear their prey apart, but they won’t chew them like a human.

  • Reptiles have been around since before the dinosaurs!
  • Some snakes and lizard reptiles smell with their tongue.
  • Reptiles get their body heat from external sources of heat.
  • Always wash your hands thoroughly after touching your reptile pet because salmonella is a regular bacteria in their tummies, and you can catch it!

Reptile Pets, Supplies, & More in Menominee, MI

So, you’re ready to pull the trigger and get your new reptile pet? Mighty pet is your go-to reptile store in Menominee, Michigan. Our pet experts will help you every step of the way, so stop in or contact us today!


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