How to Choose the Best Cat Breed for Your Family

From Siamese Cats to Persian Cats, Mighty Pet Knows Cats!

When looking to add a new furry friend to the family, it can be difficult to decide which breed of cat to choose. Every cat breed has its own unique qualities and with so many different types of cats, it can be an overwhelming decision.

At Mighty Pet, we’ve got everything you need to make the decision with confidence. Then, when it comes time to bring your new pet into the family, we’ve got all the products you’ll need to keep them happy, healthy, and comfortable in their new home.

We’ve prepared the following guide to help break down some of the most sought-after breeds out there, so you have more information on what makes a good family cat.

Siamese Cat

Legend states that Siamese cats descended from the sacred temple cats in Siam, present-day Thailand. These cats were in fact one of the first exports of the country, and today are known around the world for their distinct chiseled features. Very chatty cats, Siamese have a wide range of vocalizations and love to exhibit them all. Inquisitive, gentle Siamese cats love people, and as long as you don’t mind noise, they make a great addition to any home.

Calico Cats and Tabby Cats

Many people are surprised to learn that ‘calico cat’ and ‘tabby cat’ don’t describe official breeds, but rather the coat colors and patterns on a cat of any breed. Classic tabby cats have varied patterns of stripes, swirls, spots, and bands that you see on a typical shorthair house cat, with a distinctive ‘M-shaped’ marking on their foreheads.

‘Calico’ simply describes a tri-color fur pattern. Calico cats can be several different breeds, but any cat with that distinct white, orange, and black coloration is a calico. This can make it hard to judge the individual temperament of your tabby or calico, but with love and attention, any cat can make a great companion.

Fun fact: Because of some interesting genetics, the unique tri-coloration also means that nearly all calico cats are female cats, no matter their breed.

Persian Cat

One of the fluffiest on this list, Persian cats are loved the world over for their adorable pouty faces. Unfortunately, these cats don’t make great choices for those with allergies because of excess shedding. They’re also not a good choice if you aren’t prepared to help them groom their luxurious coats, as they require daily brushing to avoid matting.

However, if you don’t mind the fluff, Persian cats are one of the most loving cat breeds around. They are sweet, gentle cats who would prefer a quiet home with older children. If there are other pets in the home, make sure they are laid-back enough to match a Persian’s easy going temperament. If you can meet those few requirements, consider welcoming a Persian cat into your family.

There’s a reason they are one of the most popular pedigreed cat breeds in the world!

Norwegian Forest Cat

Longhaired and hardy, Norwegian Forest Cats are intelligent and affectionate, in their own way. One of the largest cat breeds, these cats love the companionship of their owners or other pets, but at times will need their own space. However, they are still loving cats who will want pets and playtime on their own terms.

Norwegian cats can handle busier homes and are good at getting out of the way when they need some ‘me time,’ but make sure any children in your home understand the importance of respecting that space. Unlike other longhair cats, they require a bit less care, doing fine with weekly combing and special attention in the spring. These beautiful cats are well-suited for families.

Sphynx Cat

Naturally hairless, there is perhaps no more distinct breed of cats than the Sphynx Cat. They can be great pets, but hairless cats do require extra care, like baths to help clean excess oil that other cats normally hold in their fur. They are highly intelligent cats who will benefit from an experienced owner that can provide a high level of enrichment to stimulate their inquisitive nature.

They are social and gregarious, enjoying the company of other animals–particularly other Sphynx cats! These chatty cats will ‘converse’ with you and love to cuddle up to you to help keep warm. Unfortunately, their high-maintenance nature means they are not suitable for homes with young and needy children. However, Sphynx cats make great companions for adults and older children able to give them all the attention they require.

Maine Coon Cat

The largest domestic cat breed, Maine Coon cats are native to North America, first discovered in Maine. Highly adapted to the harsh winter, maine coon cats have a long shaggy coat and were originally kept because of their exceptional mousing abilities. Highly intelligent, they are known to be nearly doglike in their trainability, and their cleverness will surprise you! Their long coats need care, but their love of affection makes them easy to catch come combing time.

These gentle giants crave affection and love to snuggle up to their humans. Energetic and sociable, they make great playmates for children and other pets. A Maine Coon cat will be a devoted, loving, and endlessly fun lifelong companion.

Munchkin Cat

The original ‘dwarf cats,’ Munchkin cats are the smallest cat breed available. Adorable, but fragile, these cats are not formally recognized by the International Cat Association, because of the health risks associated with breeding dwarf cats.

They need lots of attention to ensure they are not jumping from heights–though quite natural for other cats, it could hurt these little ones’ bones. They also need more help grooming, since they cannot always reach the back half of their bodies. They have strong hunting instincts and will enjoy playing games that simulate the ‘chase.’

Though sweet, cuddly, and certainly cute, due to their special care requirements, they are only recommended for experienced cat owners who can give them careful attention.

Bengal Cat

Bengal cats have distinct spotted or marbled coats. The Bengal cat is the only domestic cat breed that can have the ‘spots within spots’ you see on leopards and jaguars in the wild. Since they were bred more recently from wild cats, bengals require lots of enrichment to keep them stimulated and help release their hunting instincts, and they can be destructive if they don’t receive the engagement they need.

Devoted companions to their humans, these cats may get along with other cats and dogs if properly introduced, but will hunt smaller animals, so don’t bring them into homes with pet rodents or rabbits. They also love water, so keep them away from the fish tank. If you can provide lots of toys, cat trees, and engaging play, the bengal cat can be a beautiful and loyal companion.

Russian Blue Cat

Short-haired, playful Russian Blue cats are perhaps the perfect pets. Loyal and affectionate, Russian Blues are often shy around strangers but have been bred to exhibit a playful temperament with their family. It is preferable to get these cats as kittens to ensure the best bond.

However, no matter their age when you adopt them, your Russian Blue will eventually become utterly devoted to you! They are also one of the smartest cat breeds, and will need access to toys, playtime, and enrichment activities to stimulate those big brains.

Wary of strangers and of high activity, these are not ideal cats for young children or families who entertain often. But if you have a calmer household, a Russian Blue may be the perfect fit for your family.

Siberian Cat

These large longhair cats are a Russian national treasure, known for their loyalty, and personality. Though their coats are long and thick, these fastidious little guys can handle most of the maintenance work themselves.

For most of the year, a weekly brushing should be all you need to help keep your Siberian happy and healthy, though you may need to brush a bit more frequently during shedding periods in the spring and fall. Siberians are known to be cuddly and devoted to their people. They love to express themselves through various meows, chirps, and purrs.

Siberian cats love children and other animals, so as long as you don’t mind a little noise and a lot of snuggles, they’ll make a great family pet.

Burmese Cat

Burmese cats, with their round faces, rounded ears, and big, attentive eyes, have been a beloved breed ever since they were first bred in the 1930s. They are famous “people cats,” and will stick to their humans like glue! Burmese cats love to play with and perform tricks for their owners. They are affectionate towards children and tend to do well with other pets, too. The Burmese also has a short, easy-to-groom coat that will not shed excessively.

Do keep in mind that the Burmese cat should never be allowed outdoors, as they are so attached to their owners that they will be lost without them! If your family can provide daily petting and play sessions, the Burmese cat could be a wonderful fit for you!

Ready for a New Furry Friend? Get Into Mighty Pet Today!

At Mighty Pet, we believe the best cat breed is the one most loved by a home that cherishes them. While there are a lot of exotic and attractive cat breeds out there, there’s also nothing wrong with going to your local cat rescue and finding a mixed-breed cat with a temperament you connect with.

With a little research and plenty of love, any cat can make a wonderful lifelong companion for you and your family. So, get excited to bring your new cat home, and remember that we’re here to help with anything and everything your cat needs!


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